Hello, I’m Gui Borchert. An executive creative director, writer and director. I’m also a published author, just like Hemingway.
I grew up in Rio de Janeiro. Grew up some more in New York City. Spent some time in London. I live in LA now. Here’s some of my work.

Hyundai ✕ Amazon

Squarespace "Launch It"

Hyundai "The Road"

Hyundai "Most Electric EVs"

Hyundai "Quality Isn't a Luxury"

Google Brasil "We Speak Translate"

Orange "Phoneheads"

Hyundai Olympics

Netflix ✕ Squarespace "McEnroe: From Tennis Legend to Voice Legend"

"Squarespace it!"

Squarespace Super Bowl "Sally's Seashells" feat. Zendaya and André 3000

Squarespace ✕ Magnum Photos

CBS Super Bowl "Eyeconic"

Adidas Football "Create Your Own Game"

Nike "Restoration"

Poster Series "Tautograms"

Pinterest "Making History"

Puma "Love = Football"

Nike "Vapor Series"

"Flip Book Fan"

"Year in Posters"

Barack Obama Official Poster

Alfa Romeo "Temptation"

Orange "Popcorn"

Google G Suite "Humpty Dumpty"

Nike Plus

"LA 2028" Winning Olympic Bid

Puma "Make Football Anywhere"

Orange "Tiny Top-Ups"

Infiniti "Thrones"

Google "Talking Shoe"

Infiniti "Study of Power"

Chromebook "For Everyone"

Nike "Design by Nature"

Type Texturizer


Nike "Art of Speed"

Teavana "What Good Feels Like"

Sonos "You're Better Than This"

Tillamook "Dairy Done Right"

NYC 2012

"Absolut Brasil" Series

Puma "French Ball"

YouTube "Proud to Play"

"Project Recon"

"Meet Me at Starbucks"

Google Brasil "Painted Streets"